Come on a healing journey with hypnotherapy for the soul
Welcome to my sanctuary, a sacred place for the soul.
Life is relationships. The most important relationship is with yourself, with your soul. This impacts your relationship with life and all other relationships. When you know yourself, when you are living a soul based life, you open yourself to the magic of life.
This is a time of great upheaval and change on the planet.
Maybe you are feeling disempowered, stuck, or unsure of how to move forward in these unsettling times.
Maybe you are aware of repeating behavioural patterns creating the same story that no longer serves you and are ready to weave a new story.
A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation
Gillian Williamson Cert.HPEH, Dip.NZNFE
Certified Hypnotique Protocol
Esoteric Hypnosis® Hypnotherapist
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® guides you on a journey where you can reweave
and create new stories from the past where the soul has become fragmented and stuck, healing the soul wounds.
This brings deeper self-awareness – a reconnection to your inner essence – opening up new opportunities, limitless possibilities.
A trusting of your own inner guidance, connected to your life path.
One of the secrets of the power and success of Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® is that it works at a deep soul level to effect transformational shifts in consciousness that are unable to be achieved by any other means. It applies the knowledge of neuroscience, the discoveries of quantum physics and the legendary 12,000 year old healing and shamanic secrets of ancient Egypt to create proven results.
What is Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®?
The Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® nine-session program is
a deeply healing and life-changing experience.
It is totally soul and spirit oriented. In this sense it is hypnosis for the body, mind and soul.
This modality helps you to achieve breakthroughs that have not been possible before, as it works at a deep soul level to affect transformational shifts in consciousness
“What most people do not know is that our soul is instrumental in creating our true reality and experiencing true healing.
Our true reality is defined by the state of our soul. We can use positive suggestions or affirmations but if the soul is not present or not part of the process, nothing will change at a deep and lasting level.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
The soul – our true individuality and a source of true power
The soul is that inner part of us that we can easily become disconnected or disengaged from us and in so doing, we loose touch or move out of relationship.
It is the part of us that holds all the knowledge of all of our experiences in this life and previous lives.
It is also that part of us that can easily get stuck, blocked, lost, disconnected and fragmented.
The soul can lose or give away its power, or vital pieces of itself as a result of life experiences that range from ordinary everyday occurrences, to traumatic, or more challenging life events.
When soul loss or fragmentation occurs, we may be constantly searching for something outside of ourselves.
This searching is prompted by a feeling that something is missing, something is ‘wrong’; something is ‘off track or off course’.
It can be a feeling of being trapped, blocked, stuck or lost at a deep inner level.
Sensing, feeling, intuiting or knowing at some core part of ourselves, at some deep level that something is missing, we unconsciously try to fill the gap or void with external people, possessions, food, etc.
This powerful form of healing is a cutting edge, sophisticated holistic hypnosis process
proven to deliver outstanding and lasting results.
The wound is where the light enters you. ~ Rumi
How does Soul Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® uses advanced techniques that weave together forces inherent in the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind and the power of the soul to effect rapid, deep and permanent change and transformation. Transformation that cannot be achieved by any other means.
As a Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® trained hypnotherapist I will guide you on a journey through a particular process in which you enter what is called the Healing State of Consciousness©.
The Healing State of Consciousness© is where you can suspend your current reality. When you experience that, you begin to be open to new possibilities, new realities, new worlds and new ways of being.
In this process the soul enters into the dreamtime, into the powerful, intelligent and co-creative world of soul. In this realm a space for soul is created where soul is free to communicate, free to heal and free to dream and re-story.
It is a sacred space where old limiting story lines are identified and cleared and desired new storylines are established.
This is a very powerful process because this is where true deep healing can occur and you can create transformation in your life by re-writing your soul’s story.
During the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® nine-step program you can:
1. Journey to where parts of the soul have become stuck keeping you in disempowering repetitive patterns.
2. Addressing deep soul wounds.
3. Clearing the way for those parts of your soul to be retrieved and liberate yourself from past traumas.
4. Reconnect with your Inner Essence.
5. Create an unbreakable link with your soul, the source of true power.
6. Experience transformation as you access your full potential and be the hero of your story, living life authentically.
Are you feeding your personality or nourishing your soul to expand and experience freedom, allowing the magic of life to unfold before you.”
~ Gill Williamson
How I work – Gill Williamson Cert. HPEH
During the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® program I support you to reclaim your soul power so you can become empowered from deep within. Step by step as we do this you will feel more whole, more connected to your sessions is an integral part of this remarkable deeply healing and truly life-changing process.
I am Gillian Williamson, I have been on my own soul healing journey for over 30 years and experienced and trained in many modalities. In 2006 I was guided to the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, gaining my diploma in 2007.
Since then, I have undertaken all the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies programmes which have brought a deeper understanding of this work.
I have experienced my own transformation with Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® and it is an honour to be able to offer this modality for you to experience this same transformation. I will accompany you on a journey of self-discovery as your soul guides you to where it is ready to reweave the fabric of your life, clearing the pathways to reconnect with your inner essence to live a soul-based life where the magic happens.
Who created Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®?
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® is created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, the world authority and internationally recognised expert on metaphysical, spiritual, shamanic, esoteric and occult aspects of hypnosis and a multi award winning vibrational medicine researcher and author.
For over 50 years, Franchelle has successfully worked with thousands of clients worldwide and she knows with absolute certainty that in order for true, deep and permanent healing to occur, it is imperative, in fact vital that we work at the level of the human soul and the human spirit.
Franchelle is the founder of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® – the global leader and training provider for esoteric and spiritual hypnosis, shamanic healing hypnotherapy and deep soul work.
Through the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® programs Franchelle opens the doorway to the legendary 12,000 year old healing, shamanic and esoteric hypnosis secrets of ancient Egypt to enable you to experience true healing and radical deep lasting and positive change and transformation.
The Hypnotique Protocol® Nine Session Program
The Hypnotique Protocol® is a fully integrated programme of nine consecutive sessions – 1.5 – 2 hrs.
The cost of this programme is $2160 paid in full before commencement or two payments of $1125 (total $2250), or three payments of $780 (total $2340).
Once payment is made there will be no refunds as this is a commitment to your journey, your soul.
The programme will be through online zoom sessions and I am available for clients outside of NZ.
If this resonates with you, I will schedule a 20 minute connection to ensure we are aligned for this journey together, and create a plan for the way ahead.
Qualifications Gill
Certified Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® Hypnotherapist
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons©
Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies©
Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies©
Medicine Woman Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents©
Medicine Woman Ritual of the Twelve Gates©
The Hypnotique Protocol® is a fully integrated programme of nine consecutive sessions of 1.5 – 2 hrs. There are three payment plans as follows: One payment of $2160, two payments of $1125 or three payments of $780.
Please note: If appointment needs changing, notification is needed 24 hours prior to avoid additional session charges.
Full payment
One payment of $2160
Payment Plan
Two payments of $1125 – Conditions Apply
Payment Plan
Three payments of $780 – Conditions Apply
Limited Spaces Available for the
Hypnotique Protocol® Nine Session Program
Via Zoom
Is One Of Them Yours?
If this resonates with you…
I will schedule a 20 minute connection to ensure
we are aligned for this journey together,
and create a plan for the way ahead.